March 2020 - Defence Policy − Strong, Secure, Engaged
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- Canada’s defence policy − Strong, Secure, Engaged − is focused on meeting the needs of military members and their families, including making significant investments to ensure Canada’s defence challenges are met, now and in the future.
- Strong, Secure, Engaged maintains the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) as an agile, multi-purpose, combat-ready force to ensure that Canada is strong domestically, an active partner within North America, and engaged internationally.
- The policy also includes a new approach to defence – Anticipate, Adapt, Act – which acknowledges the need to better understand conflict, and ensures that Canada’s military is modern, relevant, and can act decisively in the face of evolving challenges.
- Canada’s defence policy − Strong, Secure, Engaged − outlines Canadian defence priorities over a twenty-year horizon, including increasing the size of the CAF, affirming Canada’s commitment to its alliances and partnerships, and investing to ensure CAF members have the tools they need to succeed in – and return home safely from – operations.
- The roles and missions for the military, as well as the corresponding levels of funding and resources, are founded in the defence policy’s review of the global security environment. This review confirmed three trends:
- The evolving balance of power is characterized by a return to major power rivalry in the international scene and challenges to the rules-based international order;
- The nature of conflict and its drivers are becoming increasingly complex. For example, the increasing use of hybrid tactics (e.g. the coordinated use of diplomatic, cyber, military and economic tools to achieve strategic goals) by state and non-state actors alike, such as terrorist organizations, is blurring the lines between conflict and peace; and,
- Technology continues to evolve rapidly, requiring Canada to keep pace to continue to cooperate seamlessly with allies and maintain an edge over adversaries.