Due to the passage of Trailer Bill 153, candidates for the teacher education programs can now complete the Basic Skills Review (BSR) with a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
Subject Matter Competency Requirement (SMC)Subject matter proficiency may be demonstrated through one of the following options:
1) Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
2) Passage of a subject matter examination (the California Subject Examination for Teachers or CSET).
3) Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation. See PSA 23-04Open PDF in current window..
4) Successful completion of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education in a major in one of the subject areas in which the commission credentials candidates. See PSA 23-04Open PDF or read the right column for details.
5) Through a combination of the methods described in clauses (1), (2), and (3) in whole or in part, has met or exceeded each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282 for multiple and single subject credentials, or pursuant to Section 44265 for education specialist credentials.