
appositive example

In the examples below, the appositive is shaded and the noun being renamed or described in another way is in bold.

Restrictive and Non-restrictive Appositives

Real-Life Examples of Appositives

Why Appositives Are Important

As a native speaker, you'll naturally be good at creating restrictive appositives (i.e., ones essential for meaning), but non-restrictive ones (i.e., ones that just add bonus information) are likely to come less naturally because it's a more deliberate act to insert them. If that's true for you, it's something worth overcoming because appositives are useful for providing interesting detail mid-sentence in a way that doesn't wreck your sentence structure, and they can be good for emphasis.

So, here are two good reasons to care about appositives.

(Reason 1) Appositives are an efficient way to add information.

(Reason 2) An appositive can be a way of creating emphasis.

Key Points

This page was written by Craig Shrives.