Complaints and Discipline

The need of the Methodist Church for a complaints and discipline process stems from the imperfect nature of human beings. The Church is a fallible community and its members on occasion behave in ways which are damaging to themselves and others and which undermine the credibility of the Church's witness. A complaints and discipline process is one of the means by which the Church recognizes that all human beings are made in the image of God and are entitled to be treated as such, and by which it maintains its witness to the new life in which we are called through Christ.

Through the complaints and discipline process members of the Methodist Church are accountable to the Church in matters of faith and behaviour. The Church seeks to enable healing and reconciliation to take place through that accountability whenever possible. The Church also responds to the call through Christ for justice, openness and honesty, and to the need for each of us to accept responsibility for our own acts.

The complaints and discipline process therefore seeks to embody the following principles:

As the Body of Christ the Church seeks to embody justice, and to challenge injustice. Complaints and discipline procedures are one means of searching for truth. Justice involves loving, honouring and respecting others, and ensuring that processes and procedures are accessible, consistent, fair and transparent. Justice is also dynamic, implying an active concern for those who are vulnerable, marginalised, or oppressed.

Complaints procedure

Every Methodist circuit has a local complaints officer appointed. In most cases this would be the superintendent minister of the circuit. Contact information can be accessed via the church map or by making contact with the Methodist Church in a locality.

Details of the procedures are contained in The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church (CPD) Volume 2 which can be obtained from Methodist Publishing at (quote reference PB882 -CT-10) at a price of £25, or downloaded free of charge via the link below.
Part 11 Complaints and Discipline may be obtained as a separate document from the Conference Office.

The following information is available for free download:

Resources for Local Complaints Officers:

Confidentiality Guidelines:

Further Resources

Contact details:

Connexional Complaints Worker
07384 810901

The Conference Office
Methodist Church House
25 Marylebone Road
London NW1 5JR